a California Non-Profit 501(c)(3) Corporation – EIN 99-3474773

Spring 2025 Class Descriptions!

These are the morning classes, the ones you sign up for in advance, averaging 10-12 students per class (more for classes with two teachers). Class sizes are limited, and some fill up the first day we open for registration, so sign up early! You take this core class each morning (afternoon elective classes are drop-in style and don’t require sign-ups). Click on a class, and you will see the full description, along with instructor bios and websites.


Level 1 is “advanced beginner”; you should know the basics of how to play your instrument and keep it in tune, and play a few songs or tunes, probably not up to tempo yet.

Level 2 is “intermediate”; you can do all the above, have some experience playing with others, you’re comfortable with your instrument, and can play some songs up to tempo.

Level 3 is “upper intermediate/advanced”: you are a confident musician and comfortable jamming and playing in groups, but still there is always more to learn.

Please Read the Recommended prerequisites. How long you’ve been playing does not determine which class you should be in; it’s what you can do and what you know, as specified in the prerequisites for each class, that matters. That said, a positive attitude towards learning in a group setting is the most important prerequisite for having a great time at camp. Almost all of our classes are for intermediate level and beyond.

Level 1 players! (advanced beginners)  Check out the group classes! You’ll still get some instrument-specific instruction, and you’ll also learn a ton by playing with others (playing with others is what it’s all about!).

Feel free to call for more information (707-579-1429). The director can help you choose a class, and we will allow for some adjustments the first day of camp.

Those who feel they’ve “outgrown” camp classes can be considered as teaching assistants (see the FAQs page for more info).          

Krishna Feeny

A class for our youngest campers: Music & More (M&Ms!)

This class, designed specifically for young campers, provides a rich, varied, and age-appropriate experience with plenty of hands-on music making. At Walker Creek we believe the best way to learn music is to get inspired, make connections, and become engaged through fun activities that teach...
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A Group Class, Bluegrass Jamming, all levels

Some of my fondest memories in life have happened at bluegrass jams when the players in the circle are carefully listening to each other and responding to the music as one, when the singer is feeling and delivering the message of the song,
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Banjo, Bluegrass, Levels 2/3

Class Description Coming Soon!
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Banjo, Clawhammer, levels 2/3

We will explore finding melodies by ear using various techniques of rhythm and melodic soloing. We will demystify the drop thumb and utilize it to find simple and intricate melodic compositions. We will explore different rhythmic textures on the clawhammer
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Dobro, Levels 2/3

In this course we will learn the foundations for proper Dobro technique along with fundamental approaches to creating an effective practice routine, learning songs, creating solos and playing back up. Be prepared...
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Fiddle, Bluegrass, Levels 2/3

Have you been playing for a while, feel like you can learn tunes and maybe sit in with bands, but want to find ways to get better at it? The Walker Creek Bluegrass Fiddle Class will be cultivating your skills to feel confident in assuming the fiddle position in a bluegrass
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Fiddle, Oldtime, Levels 2/3

In this class, all taught by ear, we will work towards expanding and improving our fiddling skills. I’ll choose some fun tunes in various keys from favorite players and mentors. With these tunes we will focus on details such as the phrasing and bowing that exemplify the beauty of Old Time fiddling. I’d like to help you find what works for you with regards to ...
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Guitar, Bluegrass Flatpicking, levels 2/3

In this class, we’ll explore the guitar's role as a melody instrument, working on techniques and practice habits to get out in front of the learning curve. Themes for the week will include melody playing, leads diverging from the melody, tools for creating leads, and
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Guitar, Piedmont Blues Basics, Levels 2/3

Working with the fingerstyle technique used in Piedmont Blues, we will look at common song forms, rhythms, and riffs to get you going in the bouncy Piedmont style. We will look at a few tunes with moving bass and
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Guitar, Western Swing, Levels 2/3

When the country meets the swing, it's western swing! On the rhythm side, we’ll apply swing guitar techniques to some simple country songs, like sock rhythm, passing chords and moving bass lines. For leads we'll talk about how to play simple swinging solos that make the chord changes pop,
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Mandolin, Bluegrass, levels 1/2

In this class we are going to focus on the fundamental skills necessary to play Bluegrass mandolin in a Bluegrass band. We’ll cover left and right-hand techniques like chop chords, arpeggios, double stops, clean single note playing,
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Mandolin, New Time and Old Acoustic, Levels 2/3

New Time and Old Acoustic. In this class we learn some old time tunes, some new acoustic tunes, and even some straight up bluegrass. In addition to adding to your repertoire, we will look at the lead and rhythm techniques required to play these styles.
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Ukulele, Jazz, Levels 2/3

Ever wanted to explore the world of jazz through the ‘ukulele? In this class we’ll learn some of the essential elements of the genre including learning how to comp, do some basic soloing, and
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Vocals, Harmony Singing, All Levels (a combined class)

We’ll be learning songs each day while also understanding some of the music theory that makes harmony work, the techniques of singing and blending with a duet partner, and some of the physiology that
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Vocals, Harmony Singing, All Levels (a combined class)

When it comes to singing in traditional, folk, and bluegrass music there is nothing else like the magic and emotive power of a good duet harmony pairing. Harmony singing is special both for the techniques that we employ to ensure a great blend with our singing partner,
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Vocals, Western Swing Repertoire, Levels 2/3

Let’s sing the classics and some more obscure gems from the Classic Western Swing era. I’ll have recordings and lyrics with chords and we’ll go through them one at a time and learn to sing them all. Really fun songs and
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